Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative Medicine is a new and game-changing area. It is branch in tissue engineering and molecular biology which deals with the process of replacing, engineering or regenerative human cells, tissues or organs to restore or the normal function. This field helps to cure the engineering damaged parts of the body by stimulating the body‘s own repair mechanisms to functionally heal. But advances in a developmental area like cell biology, Immunology, and other fields have new opportunities to develop existing regenerative therapies and novel ones.

It also has the possibility of growing tissues and organs in laboratory and implanting them. Some of biomedical approaches involve the stem cells

It concentrates in the field of:
Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials
Cellular Therapies
Medical Devices and Artificial Organs

Clinical Translation


Regenerative Medicine is new technique to improve the quality of life. Scientist’s works in this powerful technology to create new implants to heal 


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