VAR2CSA DBL1-2 : A Lead Antigen for Malaria Vaccine Development

Jungle fever caused by Plasmodium constitutes a noteworthy medical issue is as yet a standout amongst the most widely recognized dangerous irresistible maladies on the planet. In 2016, the worldwide count of jungle fever achieved 216 million cases and 445,000 passing, a substantially larger part of them coming about because of Plasmodium falciparum infection.1 Individuals living in high P. falciparum transmission settings step by step obtain insusceptibility to the most serious clinical signs of the contamination. Every year, PM is in charge of 20% of stillbirths in sub-Saharan Africa, 11% of every infant passing in sub-Saharan Africa, and 10,000 maternal passing all around. Over 50 million women are exposed to the risk of malaria during pregnancy every year. Malaria during pregnancy is a leading global cause of maternal morbidity and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Adhesion of infected erythrocytes to placental chondroitin-4-sulfate (CSA) has been linked to the outcome of pla...